
Soil is one of the oldest forming structures that our planet is formed from. Soil is a loose rocky material that is vastly used in the construction industry. Hence, it is very important to test the ground soil before construction and to know the type and classification of the soil before any project.
The type of soil can be identified by several parameters one of which the percentage of clay, silt or sand found in its composition.
This classification will determine the characteristics of the soil used in the civil engineering project.
Other physical parameters such as moisture content, shear strength,elasticity, specific gravity, density, degree of compaction, penetration resistance, consistency, bearing capacity, hydraulic conductivity, permeability and consolidation can effect the soil characteristics and behavior during construction.
The testing equipment described in this section, are carefully designed and manufactured to the highest international standard, necessary to achieve accurate and repeatable results in testing soil material.
The principle of soil mechanics requires the use of standard testing methods offered by our range of equipment and used by trained and qualified engineers and technicians.

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